Saturday, September 13, 2008

life update

Hello All -

Just a text post to let you know what's happening with me these days.

I'm not sure how many "readers" I have left at this blog, since most of my time is now spent on my YouTube channel.
The wind got knocked out of my sails a bit for updating this blog, but I still care about it, and hope to be back more often.

As always, September is a busy time for me. Now that I have two Jr High schools, I have two Sports Days - both of which just took place. They are incredibly fun events, but really exhausting, so I'm very happy that this weekend is a 3-day weekend in Japan, and I have Monday off.

Of course, I don't have any money to do anything, but that's fine, since I just want to rest anyways.
It's weird working at a job where I've been recognzied for doing a good job, yet I haven't gotten a raise in 4 years. I knew this about teaching on JET when I took the job, but it's tough. Also, my tax situtation has changed, and while it's too complicated to explain here, basically I know make about $250 less every month, so my salary has actually gone down. :(

Makes is hard to travel and enjoy my final year here, but I'll manage.

Of course, I really don't have any friends to go off and do things with anyway, so it's always the struggle of "Do I want to go to such-and-such a place by myself."
I have a few friends in Shimane that when I see them, we have fun hanging out, but not the type of friends that just call up to do stuff on the weekends.
Part of the problem of staying 5 years is you outlast the other JETs you arrived with. Of course, I could make new friends, but it's a little tougher for me I think since I'm older, but I don't want this to sound like a pity party. If I wanted to be more connected to the other JETs here, I probably could be with a little effort on my part. But I guess I've gotten used to living alone and being alone, and for the most part it doesn't bother me all that much. I'm not gonna lie and say I'm not lonely, since as a single guy for 4 years now, I am, but my life is my life and I enjoy it for what it is.

A great thing has happened since I've become invloved in the Japan vlogging community - I now get invited to attend functions in other parts of Japan, and just invited to hang out with other Japan vloggers when I'm in their city. It's a really nice community made up of some fine folks, and I hope to take them up on their offers of hospitality before I leave Japan.

The main thing keeping me super busy in the next few weeks will be practicing with my students for upcoming English speech contests.
I have two 9th grade girls at each of my 2 JHs comepting in the Lafcadio Hearn contest that takes place on Sept 28th.
So that means practicing with 2 of them at one school from 4:15 to 5pm and then driving to the other school for practice from 5:15 to 6pm.

This means that I'll miss watching Sumo some days, but I still intend to vlog about watching and I'll be able to see all the matches at the weekends.

This year I had two fantastic sports days at both my schools. It was hot and sunny most days, and I have quite the farmer's tan right now, but I really had a great time. It's such a relaxed way to come back to school after summer vacation - I get to wear shorts to school everyday and we don't have any classes - that it'll be hard to get back into the regular routine this week.

I also went to the Sports Day at my local high school, and saw a bunch of former students who are now HS students. I took so many pictures at all 3 events, and this year, I really shot a ton of video clips. What I'll do with all this footage and pictures, I don't know, but it's nice to have as a reminder of the fun we had.

I'm watching a ton of American TV from iTunes right now - i just subscribed to the new seasons of "Prison Break" and "Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles." And I look forward to the start of "Lost" and "Heroes" and other favorite shows that will begin again soon.
I'm still making my way thru the HBO show "The Wire," and I'm simply amazed at how good a show it is. I'm in the middle of season three right now.

I haven't been to the movies in a while (see above item about having no money), but I hope to go tomorrow since payday was Friday. I'll probably see Hancock, as there isn't much else out here right now.
I go to the movies by myself, and this has never bothered me, as I've been doing that since I was 16.

Anyway - I think that's about enough for now. I hope all is well with you.

See ya,

1 comment:

DJ said...

Ever considered making yourself a nice DVD with all your footage and pictures? Great way to archive stuff in one place and document the year in a fun, entertaining way.

DVD creation software has gotten very user friendly, even with no experience the results can be quite professional looking with menus and such... plus it might be a fun hobby to while away some of those weekend hours during the winter when travel isn't possible (or desirable!). It's like... the manly version of scrapbooking!

Anyway, just a thought!
Take care :)